
Showing posts from February, 2020

Pi Poems

Zev McManus-Mendelowitz Though I am generally disdainful of book reviews, I feel that one is warranted for the book I am currently reading. Here’s looking at Euclid , by Alex Bellos is a nonfiction book about the wonders of math. Though none of the math is particularly complex or difficult to understand, the book is surprisingly varied and interesting. Some highlights include looking at the history of our counting system and the evolution of calculators. The book was easy to read and my only complaint was that some sections lacked depth and were over-simplistic. The most exciting aspect of this book, in my opinion, was mentioned for only a brief paragraph. Pi poems, poems in which each word has a number of letters that equals the corresponding digit of pi (the first word has 3 letters, the next has 1, the next has 4, etc…), are an interesting type of poetry that I feel are under-appreciated. Though initially I was excited at the prospect of writing my own pi poem, once I started t