Top 10 Places to Read at Uni

Zev McManus-Mendelowitz

Below is my personal ranking of the best places to read at Uni. Though campus is full of libraries, restaurants, and outdoor seating, I decided to limit this list to locations within Uni and Kenny. The order is based on comfort, distractions, and ambiance. In your comments, feel free to suggest any changes you would make to the order of the list, or if there are any places I forgot. 

10. Kenney Locker room
Good for satanic lunatics who enjoy cockroaches, B.O., and 100-degree heat.

9. Bathroom
Why? Please never read here, especially if the book you’re reading is from a library. Set the book down somewhere away from the toilet, take care of your business, and continue reading later. 

8. Kitchen
While better than the bathroom, the kitchen doesn’t have much going for it. With uncomfortable wooden benches, nauseating scents, and the fact that it’s almost always crowded, the only redeeming quality is the occasional free snack.

7. First floor
The first floor could be a good place to read, except for the near-constant crowd, lack of comfort, and abundance of upperclassmen. The only benefits are easy access to the office, vending machines, bathrooms, and outside.

6. Kenny lobby
An okay place to read, but only under specific circumstances. I would never choose to read here, but the seats are comfortable enough and the area quiet enough that one could focus on reading while waiting for a class or practice

5. During class
I put this at number 5 since it depends on the specific class and what the class is doing on a particular day.
    1. English
Pretty self-explanatory.
    1. History
Dr. Wilson probably won’t mind most days; just know that you’re using time that could have gone to your project. Even better if you’re reading something that pertains to the class
    1. Bio
Only if you can hide it. Get the notes from a friend and you won’t have missed much.
    1. Math
I wouldn’t recommend trying to read during math. There is almost always something you’re supposed to be working on, and if not, just do the homework.
4. Second floor
Has a medium amount of people, but why not just go to the library? There are some comfortable chairs, but most of the chairs are wooden.

3. The landings between flights of stairs
The benches are kind of comfortable, but having people constantly walking by can be distracting. There is also a high likelihood the benches will be taken when you arrive. Though sitting in between two flights of stairs may feel weird, it is one of the only places in the building where one can lay down while they read, as opposed to sitting up straight.

2. Library
There are lots of different places to sit in the library, each with unique benefits. The comfy chairs in the front are nice if available, and the tables and chairs are nice if you need to get work done as you read (e.g. take notes). The middle room is generally the quietest, but also tends to be taken up by groups. Though the entire library can get crowded and distracting, I think the back room is the worst, generally full of loud groups of people. Lastly, the best element of the library, and the one that makes it a library, is the large selection of books, magazines, and other resources.

1. Uni Third Floor
Perhaps the library should have come first, but in my personal experience, the third floor is the best place to read in Uni. It is almost always quiet and open, there are comfy chairs, long tables to get work done, tall tables if you want to stand, and open outlets. The only risk is going during 5th period when some subbies have a free period.


  1. Wow. What an insightful blog post. You gave me many options for where I could read books in Uni & Kenny. My only question is, why is the third floor at the top? Like, I understand why you put it at the top, but I feel like the library would be a better spot. Also, I feel like the bathrooms should be lower than the Kenny locker rooms. Although the locker rooms can get hot, there usually is no one there until class starts/ends. The bathrooms, however, have people going in and out all the time, and it would be more awkward if someone walks in to the bathroom and sees another person reading a book, ya know. Anyway, thank you for enlightening me with this wonderful information.

  2. I really enjoyed this post! It provided an excellent amount of insightful information about where to read at Uni and Kenney, and it mentioned places I would not have thought of. Although, I think bathrooms should rank lower than the Kenney locker rooms since the bathroom is full of germs that could get on the books. Other than that, great job creating a post different from the norm!

  3. I can't say I this post coming but I liked it regardless. Your introduction is quick and to the point so you don't waste any time before getting to the focus of your blog. Your list is quite concise as well and it helps you get your points across quickly and efficiently without wasting your time talking about stuff that doesn't matter. However, I do think the bathroom should be swapped with the locker rooms and the library should be bumped down to your number one spot and the third floor should be moved to your number two spot. But other than the slight disagreements I have with your rankings, I think this was a fun and interesting post.

  4. I enjoyed reading this blog post because it gave brief but insightful information on all the places one could read in Uni and Kenney. I liked the fact that you gave the top ten and information on why they were ranked that way. I also liked how you incorporated comedy into your review. However, I would say that the bathroom is worse than Kenney Locker Rooms.

  5. I'm interested by your list and choices. Your first choices seem like you could have given some better thought to them and they were just space fillers, but hey, thanks for letting me know the dangers of reading in bathrooms and the locker rooms of Kenney. (Also prove to me that there are cockroaches in the boys locker room by catching one and giving it to me) I don't exactly agree with your analysis of the library, as the back room is often considered the quietest for me. Also, often times people don't exactly like to sit in the comfy chairs as it is hard to get any work that needs to be done on paper there. Overall, I appreciate your review and I'll be sure to think of it anytime I happen to have time to read during school.

  6. You have come up with some, shall we say interesting, rankings here. Putting the bathrooms above the locker rooms? If you crack a window to get some airflow it can be quite pleasant, especially during a class when there isn't anyone in there. Overall, your rankings were fine, although I wish you had gone into more detail about each of the locations. Only a few bolognas for this post

  7. I agree with most of these rankings, but some of the ones I do not agree with include putting the bathroom higher than the locker room (the bathroom is just generally a bad place to read) and putting the third floor in the number one spot (Uni Period is really the only time it isn't swarming with subbies, and soon that will be gone too). Aside from that, I think this is a cool post and definitely the first of this kind of post. You did a good job explaining your rankings for each location. However, one location you forgot is outside. There are seats that are somewhat comfortable, hardly any distractions, and if you wear a coat the temperature really isn't that bad. It would be #1 on my list.

  8. This is an interesting and creative post. I like that you gave concise summaries of each of the places, and I mostly agree with them. Everyone seems to be saying that you should have put the bathrooms as #10, but I often see girls in the second floor bathroom (where there are couches) sleeping or chatting. It's a little strange, but it's also quiet and the couches can be comfortable. #9 was probably the right ranking for it (at least for girls' bathrooms).


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