
Showing posts from December, 2019

A review of The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey

Overview: The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey is the sequel to The Fifth Wave also by Rick Yancey. Set after the fallout of the first book, our main characters are struggling to survive somewhere in the southern part of the US in a hotel. One of the main characters, named Ringer, believes that the hotel will not last and goes out to find a better living area along with another main character Teacup. They are both captured by the aliens which kicks off the main plot of the story. The rest of the main characters go out in search for them and their journey and encounters with lost allies and new antagonists are the bulk of the B plot of the story. I'm not mad, i'm just disappointed, also a little confused (spoilers): This book had a lot of potential. Emphasis on HAD. I enjoyed the first book in this series and while a little bit of the first book took a little rereading and wikipedia-ing, I could appreciate the message and ideas it was trying to explore. This second book, on the o

The Keeper of the Lost Cities Series

Keeper of the Lost Cities has been one of my favorite series since I started reading it a few years ago. The setting of the book is somewhat like Harry Potter in that Earth as we know it exists, but it also contains concealed societies that only the members of those societies know about. In Keeper,  six intelligent species besides humans exist - elves, goblins, ogres, trolls, dwarves, and gnomes. Elves are viewed as the most powerful beings. Most elves have a special "ability." The known abilities range from telepathy to freeze powers to creating force fields. Every elf is naturally beautiful, smarter than humans, and has more money than they would need in a lifetime, so they work purely for pleasure. They also have indefinite life spans. There is no prejudice because of wealth, race, sex, or anything like in our world. However, people are judged by their abilities. The "Talentless" do not get to go to the world's elite school, Foxfire, nor do they get to be p

Children's Poems

Zev McManus-Mendelowitz After numerous attempts, I was unable to get the formatting of this post to show up correctly, so here is a link to the google doc: